Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Here's what Spring Break brought for our family:
A Senior Year Spring Break trip was in order. (I did not have the luxury of this. I remember many, many classmates did go on Spring Break trips. I don't remember why I didn't go, and truth be told, I'm none the worse for it.) Pher, Zeke, and three other friends (don't know who... DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHO) went to Shawnee National Park in southern Illinois. He was very, very excited (and that's an understatement about his excitement). He got out his Boy Scout equipment. Grandma & Grandpa Misterka gave him a water purifier for a gift this past Christmas. He was like a kid in a toy store when he was talking about using that thing. Their water was going to be 'safe.' He filled his internal frame backpack with his tent, sleeping sack, cooking/eating equipment, and food. He packed only what was necessary. Zeke picked him up on Sunday. We heard from him Monday morning. They made it safely. The last words he said were, "I love you, Momma."

Go have fun my child. This is the last chance for you to be a kid in an adult's body.

Cameron did what Cameron does best. He had a friend spend the night for a couple nights. He then went to that friend's house for a couple of nights. Then he went to another friend's house for a couple of nights. We got him back on Friday morning. He ate, showered, and did laundry. It's nice to know we are needed!

Sweet Emma Carole spent the week with Aunt Marla. She had Aunt Marla all to herself from Easter Sunday evening until Tuesday night. On Tuesday night, Emma's cousin and best friend Katie came to visit Aunt Marla also. So that means that Aunt Marla had the excitement of both Emma and Katie all day Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. By the way, Aunt Marla is a saint in layman's clothes.

The absence of children made for a quiet Spring Break around the Meyers' house. It was nice since I'm a week post-op. It was nice in that sense only. I had plenty of opportunity to rest and that was greatly needed and appreciated. Let me tell you... If this is what "empty nest" is like, I'm not ready for it. I would rather have all of the noise and confusion that comes with three kids, two parents, and active schedules. Please give me the chaos instead of the quiet. It has been a L.O.N.G week.

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