We have also seen him twice at churches. His shows as churches are for "all ages" and so of course we brought children. Emma loves, loves, loves, his CD titled Gruvency. Loves it. She has a favorite song titled, 'Life Mural.' When we saw Michael (she calls him Mr. Kelsey) at a church near our home, it was a little over a year ago. That little girl marched right up to him and asked him to play 'Life Mural.' He told her that he was wondering what to open the show with and she had just solved his problem.
We saw him again last Friday. He played at Come2Go (C2G) Ministries in downtown Fort Wayne. His music is not spiritual or religious. I think he likes the churchy venues for all-ages shows. Also, he seems to be a super, super nice guy, and was probably raised in a home that attended church (just speculation). Todd asked Emma if she wanted to ask him to play 'Life Mural' again. She wanted to ask him, but this time around she was too shy to just march up to him. Leave it to Daddy. He went and started talking to Michael. Emma slid up by Daddy, and Michael remembered her. He remembered her. He remembered that he met us at "that other church he played in Fort Wayne." He remembered that Emma had requested 'Life Mural.' He opened this show with this song again... for her.
Our little girl is enamored with this guitar-playing fellow. It's a really good thing that she is not old enough to go into bars. I think we have a groupie on our hands.
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