He was born Christopher Todd. We knew that his full name of 'Christopher' would never stick with friends. So, we shortened it to Topher. For some reason, that nickname didn't gel. We did not want the every day, ordinary 'Chris' because we knew that he was no every day, ordinary person. We needed something unique. So around age 8, I started calling him 'Pher.' This was a unique nickname for a unique kid.
We were told when he was in preschool that he was 'different.' He didn't think like the other children. He asked questions that were thought provoking and debate initiating. His K teacher said that the "thinks out of the box." Todd's oldest brother accurately stated that "the box isn't big enough for Christopher's thoughts." True 'dat!
And so Adventure #2 began:
December 10, 2011... Pher to Dad, "I'm taking off tomorrow or the next. Anthony and I are heading to Bloomington." (A friend took them just south of Fort Wayne. They walked and hitchhiked the rest of the way.)
December 16... Texts between Mom and Pher.
Mom: "Hey Buddy. You still in Bloomington?"
Pher: "Louisville."
Phone call required for more details. Anthony has friends in Louisville.
December 22...
M: "Hi Sweetie. You still in Louisville?"
P: "Nashville. Anthony headed north. I'm heading south. I met a fellow road friend and we're sticking together. His name is Gypsy."
**(Side note... I'm pretty doggone sure the guy's name is NOT Gypsy, but that's all we have."
December 24...
M: "Still in Nashville?"
P: "Yes. Hoping to hop a train to Chattanooga."
M: "Where are you sleeping? What are you eating?"
P: "Slept under a bridge and close to a generator next to a hotel. Food is everywhere."
M: "Oye!"
December 25...
P: "Happy Day!"
M: "Merry Christmas, I love you!"
P: "Love you guys, too."
December 26 (text early in day)...
P: "Following the sun south."
M: "Great. FYI- The sun sets in the west."
December 26 (evening)... Call from Pher to home, because he wanted to check in and hear our voices! He has a few people he is keeping updated on his journey. Family members and his dear friends Sam and Janos. He and Gypsy spent a day and night with a family group called the 12 Tribes. He said he will have to fill us in when he sees us. It was an "Uber Christian" cult and they beat feet out of there when it started to get creepy. They didn't feel safe any longer. Christmas Eve he slept in a dormant freight car.
December 26/27 (very late night/early morning) text from Pher to Dad...
P: "You near a computer?"
D: "I can be. What's up?"
P: "I need you to check the weather. It's raining and my dumb ass brought us into a valley rather than up into the hills. Would like to know track of rain and ow much longer. The tent will begin taking on water soon."
D: "Lots of rain."
(Mom's thoughts on this... My gypsy/hobo kid that should have been born in the 1950's, or early 60's relies on 21st century technology. Funny stuff!)
December 27 & 28...
No reply to texts sent by family members. Calls immediately sent to voicemail.
December 28/29 (very late night/early morning) text from Pher to Dad...
P: "Got put up for two days by a family in Lynchburg. Had a ball walking hills and eating deer. Amazing love. I'm well fed. Had no service though."
December 29 (evening) Call from Pher to home... They moved from Lynchburg to Tullahoma and then Tullahoma to Chattanooga via train. He wanted to call in the update. I asked how they met the gracious family that took them in for a couple of days. They met at the laundromat when they were drying their clothes that got wet in the rain. The family packed them some deer meat for their travels and away they went.
They hope to go from Chattanooga to Atlanta. Ultimate goal is Florida.
Knowing Pher, he left home with less than $20 in his pocket. When we spoke on the 26th he told me how he made some road money. He claims to have "made" around $100. It sounded like this happened Christmas Eve Day or on Christmas Day. He stood on a corner with a sign. Instead of the traditional "Homeless. Please help," his sign said, "Smile. Enjoy your day. Yeah I could use a buck."
Am I proud that our son is panhandling? Absolutely not. Am I proud that our son is fulfilling a dream with persistence and determination? You bet. Anyone that knows Christopher, and I mean REALLY KNOWS him, understands that he will never be able to settle down until he satisfies this itch that has been festering for years. Our boy needs to explore the world. He needs to immerse himself in cultures and sub-cultures. At this point in his life, he needs to work to live rather than living to work. He's on his way... and maybe some day, one day, in the future at some point, he will decide to sit down in his own home and write about his adventures. The real and true America: Life on the streets, in the hills, from the big cities, and from the small towns... Through Pher's Eyes.
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