Friday, December 30, 2011

On Emma

Little Miss Emma Carole Meyers turned 10 (Extend left hand and open fingers... bam; extend right hand and open fingers... BAM. Now do it really fast... BAM, BAM!!!) Ten whole fingers is how old that little girl is now. She is quite an amazing young lady.

She's now in fourth grade. She has the BEST TEACHER EVER... I mean EVER! Miss Molinari has adult onset ADD or ADHD (Mom's personal observation). However, she is completely focused as she randomly changes avenues of thought and story progression all while telling kids what to and not to do. She comes full circle in everything and wraps it all up beautifully.

In the classroon they have two geckos, turtles, cockroaches, fish, and other critters. One of the class positions of the week (lunch counter, door holder, caboose, telephone operator, etc) is veterinarian. This is Emma's all-time favorite position. (Aunt Cathy better watch out. She may end up with a fully staffed office with just her own kids and her niece.) She wants a gecko. I think it's specifically a tiger gecko. Whatever it is, she isn't getting it... yet. She has to keep her room clean. We need to keep a classroom gecko over Spring Break (So she can show responsibility and so Mommy can see how much urine and fecal matter these things produce.).

Emma has kept her old friends from K-3rd grade, and she has made several new friends this year. I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but for me this is amazing. I love that she is building friendships and expanding on friendships. So many girls stick with a small circle of friends. This 4th grade group is pretty much all friends. Some are closer than others, but they all (for the most part) seem to accept each other. The mom of one of Emma's closest friends is also the elementary school counselor. She also has a daughter in 6th grade. The older daughter has a small circle (or click) of friends. This friend's mom doesn't remember seeing such a large group of girls (Emma's & her younger daughter's 4th grade class) so accepting of each other.

Emma ran Cross Country this year. I'm amazed at how many 3rd-5th graders participate in this sport. Anyway, she ran, and she ran well. There were three meets. She ran 8 minute miles. An 8 minute mile, you say? Doesn't seem that fast, you think? Yeah, you go do it.

I'll post some CC pics sometime in the future. Remember, I'm just now catching this thing up on 2011.

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