Grandma wanted to do some more sewing with Emma. (Dammit. One of my kids or grandkids will learn how to sew! Someone has to inherit my passion.) Didn't happen. Emma was too busy playing and swimming. Emma wanted to learn how to knit. That didn't happen either. Once again, Emma was too busy playing and swimming. I think maybe I need to send her to spend some time with Grandma when it is cold outside. This will force her to be inside and learn from her grandmother.
Grandma made a skirt for Emma... and it is sooooo very Emma.
When I went to Danville to pick her up this morning, Cathy and DJ were having new counter tops installed. Cawood was all about those power tools. The installation crew would grind down the existing cabinets to make the new counters level. Cawood was right there watching and listening to the intriguing sound of the grinder and the shop vac that was instantly vacuuming the shavings and dust. Once again, proof positive that it is inherent in boys... They love tools and the wonderful sounds that they make. He also was fascinated when Cathy walked by their truck. He grabbed the side and leaned in for a look. Boys.
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