Trucks." He loved that book. We dug the book out for Cameron and he loved it also. Boys and construction equipment. Every time we were in a construction zone, the boys would point out the various pieces of equipment and what they do. The boys gave me an appreciation of heavy machinery. I think it's probably the happy memories of when they were little and would sit on my lap as we read about diggers and dump trucks that is appreciated along with the power of heavy equipment.
It's ironic that I now work for a company that makes construction equipment. I look at the equipment with the loving memories of my boys and also from a professional perspective of which brand of equipment is most prevalent on a job site. Caterpillar is the overwhelming winner all the time. They make a good product. Terex makes a good product also, but we don't have the same brand name recognition and market share as CAT does.
I was in traffic on 465 yesterday when I went to get Emma from Danville. I snapped a few pictures...
Terex crane!!!
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