We arrived at our hotel with ample time to eat a wonderful dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. After a great night sleeping, we got to Toyota Park at 9:45 am on the 26th. The line was long. The gates opened at 10. A very nice English gentleman at the Embassy Suites in Lombard told us what to do IMMEDIATELY when we entered the gates. If you want the advice for the next Crossroads Festival, e-mail or call me... I will not share it openly.
We entered the gates, followed his advice, Cameron and his buddy Nate went directly to the stage. They stayed there until the Finale at 11 pm. Yuppers. They manned their post for close to 12 hours. Cameron's second time seeing Eric Clapton and his third 'real' concert. Nate's first 'real' concert. What memories they created for themselves. They did rotate out for bathroom and food breaks.
... and thank God for texting (Oh my goodness. Did I just type that?!"). Texting is how we kept in touch with the boys. This is how we learned that at one point they "were not leaving their spots." The temp was a good 90 and the humidity level was over 90%. Todd bought water. He took it to a security guard. He told the guard, "Look, I've got two 15-year-old boys on the rail. They need water. Please find them." Todd got a text shortly thereafter... "Got the water. Thank you."
The day was full of blues music. It was mesmerizing. It was phenomenal. It was a wonderful fundraiser of 30,000 who paid $100 each for Eric Clapton's Crossroads Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center. The performers played for free, and they enjoyed every minute of it. We were close enough to see their expressions. They were friends supporting friends.
For me if was kind of like the AFC Championship game where the Colts beat the Patriots to go to the 2007 Superbowl. I was there. I can die a happy woman knowing that no other football game will ever surpass that game in emotion... for me. That was my pinnacle of football, and I have not had a desire to attend another football game since. I feel the same way about this concert. It was the pinnacle of music... unless I am fortunate enough to be able to attend another Crossroads Festival. At that time we will talk again and reassess the situation...Me and Todd at the Crossroads