Todd works with a nurse whose wife is a Music teacher and the Show Choir Director at Carroll High School. This is the school where Pher currently goes and where Cameron will attend in the Fall. Anyway, Mr. Jeran told Todd that the Show Choirs were having their first official dress rehearsal tonight. When I got home from work, Todd told me about it and we both thought it would be fun to go watch. We also knew that Emma would love it. (Remember the Emma Montana post?)
We walked in to the auditorium and immediately saw Todd's colleague, so we sat with him. He wanted honest feedback regarding the choreography, sound, music selection, backdrops, etc... Todd mentioned that he had Swing Choir experience because he was the drummer for the Swing Choir band in high school. Mr. Jeran chuckled and told Todd that Swing Choir is now SHOW Choir. It has evolved and matured. The first choir was the all girl choir (Select Sound).
Costume #1

Those girls ripped the robe costumes off and undernneath was costume #2

And a couple of shots of the third costume

Yeah. All I could think of (after how well these young women sang) was how much money these parents drop on costumes and travel. When asked, Emma said that she would LOVE to be in Show Choir. Figures.
The next choir is primarily Juniors and Seniors and is co-ed. They go by the name Minstrel Majic. These kids were fantastic. A couple of costume #1

And a couple of costume #2

Check out the shoes! They are so Emma... ;-) Carroll High School has a large Show Choir Invitational on March 6. I do believe we will be attending that competition.
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