Ok, so we did not go to the race, but we were very close to it. Cathy & DJ live close enough to the track to hear the cars racing. Every Memorial Day weekend, they have a party that begins on Friday evening and ends on Monday morning. It is always a lot of fun and usually hectic. This year was mild, and I was thankful for Cathy's sake. Between having 2-year-old Faith and 3-month old twins, she was too busy to worry about hosting a party.
Corn Hole tournament:

Matt & the little girls:
Corn Hole tournament:
Family and friends:
I forgot to take a picture of the food, but there was A LOT of it.
At dusk, we left Cathy & DJ's and headed to Matt & Miki's. I wanted to spend more time with my cousins Brian, Mary Ashley, and Michael. They flew in from Atlanta to go to the race, and we don't see them often.A short visit at Matt & Miki's turned into cousin play time. Cousins big and small ended up swimming... and everyone had so much FUN!
Cousins Mary Ashley and Faith:
Cousins Mary Ashley and Faith:
Matt & the little girls:
Everyone around the pool laughing, reminiscing, and having a great time. I love my family!
Of course, the famous Cousin Brian: