Trauma did not stop at birth for Cameron. He broke his left collar bone at age 3 when he was reaching to get a piece of candy. He had a t.v. fall on him (squished under it just like the Wicked Witch of the East) when he was climbing to get to the candy bowl on top of the t.v. At age 5 he cut a finger deeply while he was trying to cut open a lollipop wrapper with a knife. Anyone see a candy pattern here??? Also at age 5 he had his right collar bone broken for him. A girl in preschool asked him to do something and he replied, "NO!" She took him down right ther
This evening he was recognized at a school program. He earned High Honors and was recognized as a Midwest Talent Search Honors Recipient by Northwestern University. We are proud of him. He is growing up to be a funny, responsible, respectful, kind, generous, and compassionate young man. We love you Cameron!
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