We had a sudden, brief rain shower last night. Emma was outside playing with her friend Landin. His mom called him in out of the rain. I watched my daughter dance in it!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Singing in the rain...
We had a sudden, brief rain shower last night. Emma was outside playing with her friend Landin. His mom called him in out of the rain. I watched my daughter dance in it!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Best Daddy and (not) Mother of the Year
Last week was the 1st grade year-end field trip. Daddy enjoyed the day with 21 six & seven year old children. They had a great time visiting the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo. The weather was perfect. For Mommy, a zoo is a zoo; a zebra is a zebra; a lion is a lion; a monkey is a monkey. I don't care for animals. The kids were better off with Todd than they would have been with me! The photo to the left is the class of 2020! Oh... My... Goodness! 2020!
Todd took this reflection picture of Emma. They were in the aquarium.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Working & laughing
My laughing is because of my sister's blog (http://djflorencefamily.blogspot.com/). She cracks me up. I recommended on Sunday that she start feeding Cawood squash. DJ's mom backed me up. Cathy listened. Now that's what he wants to eat. He already knows that food is good. He is already demanding good food. He is only 3 months old. I have repeatedly told her that boys are so much easier than girls. She is going to make a liar out of me! Thank you for adding humor to my day, Cathy.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Indy 500
Corn Hole tournament:
I forgot to take a picture of the food, but there was A LOT of it.
Cousins Mary Ashley and Faith:
Matt & the little girls:
Everyone around the pool laughing, reminiscing, and having a great time. I love my family!
Of course, the famous Cousin Brian:
Sunday, May 24, 2009
One of my favorite traditions
Plantation living?
On Saturday I hung the swag flags on the front porch. I picked Cameron up from his friend's house and when pulling up to the house he said, "Looks like we live on a plantation. Can I have a maid?" My short answer was, "NO." I don't know why he suddenly thought of this. We have hung the flags for the last 4 years.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Cameron turns 14

Trauma did not stop at birth for Cameron. He broke his left collar bone at age 3 when he was reaching to get a piece of candy. He had a t.v. fall on him (squished under it just like the Wicked Witch of the East) when he was climbing to get to the candy bowl on top of the t.v. At age 5 he cut a finger deeply while he was trying to cut open a lollipop wrapper with a knife. Anyone see a candy pattern here??? Also at age 5 he had his right collar bone broken for him. A girl in preschool asked him to do something and he replied, "NO!" She took him down right ther
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The other blog (Moving Mountains) is updates on Pher's 4th & 5th grade teacher's family. They live an unbelievable life. They have three biological children. Two of these kids have special needs, they have adopted one special needs child from Haiti, and they are in the process of adopting another special needs child from China. To their family 'special needs' children are normal and their one 'normal' child is out of the ordinary. Please add Chun Yan to your prayers. Hopefully her adoption will be funded and will proceed rapidly. I follow this blog to assist with my faith and give me hope and inspiration. The struggles that this family has encountered assists me in realizing that no matter what, I don't have it that bad. They always find a bright light in every struggle and the light brings them through. If you visit their blog, I hope you find them to be as inspirational as I do.
Madeline's Party
Madeline's (my niece) birthday was Monday May 18th. Her party was Sunday the 17th. It was a beautiful day in Indianapolis.
What would a party be without a Bounce House?!?
Madeline put in a request for Costco cheese pizza and fruit for her birthday party dinner.
Of course there was cake, too. Madeline did a great job blowing out her candles!

Dr. Mike returned to his office on Monday and his receptionist called me at work with explicit instructions... "Emma is NOT TO REMOVE THAT SPLINT FOR ANY REASON." He got wind that the dingbat at their north office told her she could take it off.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Red Box?
We belong to a "Young Adults" group at church. The group was started to get 20 & 30 something's together for a game night once every couple of months. Obviously, Todd & I exceed the desired age of the group, but so what?! We had 'game night' last night. It has been a great time with young adults getting together just to have fun with no kids. Unbelievable that life can exist without children at the center of attention, but I'm here to tell you it can happen, and it is great when it does!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
New at this...
Monday was my first day back to work after a two week shutdown. Trained for a new position (to cover a maternity leave) on the accelerated plan for 2 weeks prior to shutdown. Took my two weeks off. Went back to work on Monday expecting that I would remember everything. Didn't happen. Stress.
Wednesday brought devastating news about the passing away of a co-worker's granddaughter. Routine tonsilectomy/adenoidectomy and then hemorrhage. In addition to this, learned that a dear friend has cancer. Stress.
Talking to Cathy on Friday night and reviewing the event's of the week (more happened than I am typing here), this is the 'funny story' that prompted her comment:
Emma broke her wrist on Thursday (OK, that's not so funny). I got the call at 11:34. She fell off the monkey bars at lunch recess. It took all afternoon and three facilities to get this diagnosed and treated. The lady that administered and wrapped the splint told Emma, "Don't worry, honey. You don't have to wear this all the time. You don't have to sleep in it and you take it off to bathe." Who in their right mind would tell a 7-year-old that she can remove her splint? At this point I was frustrated and furious. On the way to the van, Emma was doing a 'happy dance' and saying, "I don't have to keep this on. I don't have to keep this on!" I was trying to maintain my composure, and then I got to the van. Three cars to the left had a little goose poop. Three cars to the right had a little goose poop. My van got the majority of the goose poop. I didn't think they had control of their ass-sphincter muscles, but apparently they do, and they wanted to add to my week.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The beginning...
Why the title of "Sanity is Relative"? Because our house is anything but sane as defined by http://www.dictionary.com/: Having or showing reason, sound judgement, or good sense.
Let me explain... My husband (Todd) works full time, graveyard shift, as a nurse at a local hospital. In addition to this, he is going back to college to further his nursing education. He throws in helping in the first grade classroom, any and all field trips he can attend, and being active with the Boy Scouts. Oh yeah, and he also finds time for me and us.
I work full time outside the home and still try to maintain a degree of organization and order in the house. I'm really boring, so there's not much more to say about me.
Our oldest child, Christopher Todd (a.k.a. Pher) just turned 18. He's a junior in high school. We had him start kindergarten at 6 rather than 5 so he would be the oldest rather than the youngest in his class. The level of maturity he has versus his classmates has proven to be both a pro and a con. He has a way of looking at the world differently than most people. He's had this tendency since pre-school. We have often told him that he should be a defense attorney because he researches his causes and finds loopholes in an attempt to get around the system. Let's just say that portions of the Carroll High School Student Handbook are in the process of being re-written because of him. Let's also say that this has caused some friction in our home. He plays the guitar beautifully. He plays electric, acoustic, and bass. He plays his own style by mixing classic rock, jazz, and blues genres. I love listening to him play.
Cameron Adam is our younger son. He makes me laugh daily. He is soon to be 14 (May 20). He is also a guitar player and plays well. He is currently developing his own style instead of copying other musicians. I would enjoy listening to him play, but he won't plug into his amplifier very often. Cameron enjoys playing paintball with his friends (Throw a group of boys in a field and allow them to shoot paint at each other. What fun!). He is also active in Boy Scouts. This summer he will be at camp for a week earning merit badges and he is also going white water rafting with the troop. He recently earned the rank of Star Scout. This means only Life and Eagle to go. He has aspirations to complete his Eagle Scout. He does very well in school with little effort. The "little effort" is frustrating for us. Why not study and get an A+ rather than settle for just an A? We need to pick our battles. Having an A student isn't such a bad problem to have. Cameron is easygoing and flexible. His sense of humor is natural and the root of his personality. He still hugs and kisses his mom without reservation or hesitation. With all of this in mind, he is probably the one we should be watching closely.
And finally we have Emma Carole. We had no idea we were having a girl. Even though we had ultrasounds with all three kids, we decided to wait until delivery to learn their gender. I was certain we were having boy number three, and I was good with that. I know boys. I understand boys. I relate to boys. However, much to my chagrin, a third son was not in God's plan. Our daughter was born September 20, 2001. My sister, Cathy, immediately said that we HAD TO name her Emma Carole. Explanation: Todd's mom (Carole) passed away July 24, 2001. To honor her we wanted to name our daughter after her. Cathy did the research to find a name that went well with Carole. Emma means "universal." Carole means, "song of joy." So the name Emma Carole means "universal song of joy," and this is exactly what the world needed after the 9/11 trajedy. Done deal. Emma is now 7 and is indeed a joy. Not only did I get a girl, but I got a girly-girl. She loves to dress up, do hair, wear make-up, dance, do gymnastics in the family room, and plays with dolls. She has a tendency to change her clothes twice a day on school days, and she has been known to change 4 or 5 times on the weekend. Boy does Daddy get mad. I let her change. Whatever. It's just clothes.
Throw in a cat that no one in the family likes, and a big dog that thinks he's a lap dog, and you have our family.
So, we have a kid in high school, another in middle school, and the baby in elementary school; two parents that work outside the home; and one parent going to college. We do the best we can to manage the craziness and events that seem to spontaneously pop into our daily lives. So, what would probably be perceived as insanity to most, is our sanity... And I wouldn't want it any different! This blog will chronicle our craziness, and if I continue to maintain it, years down the road I can read these posts and miss the insanity of it all!