Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rafting trip reunion

(Above: Cameron, Nate, and Jonah at the reunion. These are three boys that I hope have forged a forever friendship. They are good for each other. They challenge each other. They grew closer to each other and God on this trip.)

On Saturday the 28th Cameron had a reunion with the kids and Team Leaders from the rafting trip. We had a chance to meet Pastor Bob and Mr. Cashen (his Spanish teacher that extended the invite). We also had a chance to listen to several of the Team Builders and fellow rafters speak. Listening to these people speak reinforced what Cameron said.

The trip was a spiritual adventure and different from anything that he's ever experienced.
Different in such an amazing way.
Mr. Cashen up above and Pastor Bob down below.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another adventure

He came home yesterday. He sewed some clothes. He packed his backpack. He kissed me on top of the head and said, "I love you Momma," and he was gone. Just like that.

He also grabbed a bag of rice and a sweet potato... to last him a month.

Plans are to head back to the upper peninsula of Michigan. He and Zeke and probably a girl named Tessa that we've never met.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Shakley's Stars

Emma loves her teacher. We met her at the Open House, and she is a sweet woman. She named her class "Shakley's Stars" and she continuously reinforces that each student is to do their best. She also reinforces that it's OK to make mistakes, but learn from them. Emma brought home this bag that was full of little reinforcing trinkets and gifts. This is our third kid going through elementary school, and I've never seen anything this unique. Emma loved it.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

If one person is made aware...

When Cathy was expecting Faith, she did extensive car seat research. Car seats are her passion. On an Internet posting board, Cathy learned about keeping children rear facing in their car seats for an extended period. In the US, we can turn our kids to face forward at 1 year-old. In Europe, they keep their kids rear facing sometimes until 3 or 4. It's an unusual concept for us.

It is so much easier to have kids facing the front. Parents can see the child's face in the rear view mirror. It is much easier to interact in the car when the child is facing the front. It's easier to get the child in and out of the car seat when they face forward. I'll be honest, it was a relief when we could turn our kids toward the front.

I thought Cathy was a little nuts in the beginning, but whatever. Her kids, she can do what she wants. They certainly aren't being hurt by extended rear facing. She has educated me, and I am now a supporter. I'm not radical about it like she is, but I have brought it to the attention of people. To the best of my knowledge, everyone I've told has appreciated the information and then discarded it. Like I said, front facing is easier for the parent. Anyway, the twins are 18-months and still rear facing. I'm so glad she is a car seat nut.

Here is a post she put on Facebook:
Parents of small children PLEASE learn about extended rear facing! One year is too young to forward face!!! ERF saved my twins serious injuries last night. Thank you God, thank you Honda, thank you Britax for keeping us safe. Thank you Babycenter for teaching me about kids and car safety. Five Florence's = safe. One Honda Pilot = annihilated.

If one person is made aware of this by you taking the time to read and pass it on, it was worth it. Thank you.

Friday, August 13, 2010

3rd Grade and High School

The kids started school on 8/12. Yeah, I know. Super early, but not as early as my nieces who started on the 10th, I think. Emma is excited about her teacher. She used to teach 5th grade. A 3rd grade teacher retired and the 5th grade teacher took the 3rd grade spot. Little Miss Emma Carole thought that this teacher was going to teach the 3rd grade class the 5th grade curriculum. No Sweetie, it doesn't work that way. She was feeling much better (I don't think she was 100%), and she wanted to go to school. We let her go with the understanding that if she didn't feel well, she was to head to the nurse's office. She loves her bookbag. When we found it she exclaimed, "Look Mom. It's candyfied!"
Cameron is now in high school. He's a freshman. When did that happen? When did he grow up?
He was not nearly as willing to for Mommy pose as Emma. I had to run down the sidewalk to get him as Todd stood on the porch laughing at me. iPod in ears and cell phone in pocket. Neither are allowed to be used in school. He's been warned.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Coughing and camping

Last week after registering Emma for school, we went shopping. When we were leaving the mall, she complained that her head and throat hurt, and her chest hurt a little when she was breathing in. That was Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday night, she had a fever.

Thursday she still wasn't feeling well and had a fever. Friday when she STILL wasn't feeling well, we knew it was time to visit Dr. Mike. Bronchitis not yet pneumonia was what he told Todd. Phew! She and Todd have been planning a camping trip with another family for the weekend. A day on antibiotics and she should be good to go.

Saturday morning she got up very early and asked to leave. She wanted to get to camp. We left the house at 9 and headed for the camp site.
Sunday when they got home, she wasn't feeling well. Todd said that she voluntarily went to bed early on Saturday night. Very much not an Emma thing to do.

A call to Dr. Mike on Monday and a chest x-ray was ordered.

Pneumonia. Pneumonia? Really? In August? Yuppers, she is a sick girl.