Thursday, October 28, 2010

Copied from Cathy

I imagine many of you follow our family as well as Cathy's family. For you guys, please excuse this duplication. For everyone else please read the entry Cathy made on her blog. Every time I think of this I laugh.

Every. Time.

Here's the situation as I saw it: Faith had a Strawberry Shortcake cup of water, without a lid sitting on the counter. It's a cute cup, really. Eva walked into the kitchen and saw that cup. She put down her milk and started frantically reaching, signing, grunting for Faith's Strawberry Shortcake cup - again, without a lid. I told her no, but I offered her another cup of water, with a lid - which started a huuuuuuge, size toddler two, temper tantrum. She got down on the floor, face red, screaming as loud as she could, smacking her little arms and kicking her little feet. I was just watching - I'm a believer that tantrums are much easier if you just let the kid scream and throw the fit (as long as they are safe.) Cawood came and found his twin horribly worked up. He very calmly walked over to her, patted her back, rubbed her head, picked up the water sitting beside her and offered it to her. It was very, very sweet watching him care for her. But when he offered her the water she lashed out at him, smacked in his direction and pushed him away. That little boy took the cup of water that was in his hand (still completely calm,) bopped her over the head with it and walked away.

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