Thursday, August 19, 2010

If one person is made aware...

When Cathy was expecting Faith, she did extensive car seat research. Car seats are her passion. On an Internet posting board, Cathy learned about keeping children rear facing in their car seats for an extended period. In the US, we can turn our kids to face forward at 1 year-old. In Europe, they keep their kids rear facing sometimes until 3 or 4. It's an unusual concept for us.

It is so much easier to have kids facing the front. Parents can see the child's face in the rear view mirror. It is much easier to interact in the car when the child is facing the front. It's easier to get the child in and out of the car seat when they face forward. I'll be honest, it was a relief when we could turn our kids toward the front.

I thought Cathy was a little nuts in the beginning, but whatever. Her kids, she can do what she wants. They certainly aren't being hurt by extended rear facing. She has educated me, and I am now a supporter. I'm not radical about it like she is, but I have brought it to the attention of people. To the best of my knowledge, everyone I've told has appreciated the information and then discarded it. Like I said, front facing is easier for the parent. Anyway, the twins are 18-months and still rear facing. I'm so glad she is a car seat nut.

Here is a post she put on Facebook:
Parents of small children PLEASE learn about extended rear facing! One year is too young to forward face!!! ERF saved my twins serious injuries last night. Thank you God, thank you Honda, thank you Britax for keeping us safe. Thank you Babycenter for teaching me about kids and car safety. Five Florence's = safe. One Honda Pilot = annihilated.

If one person is made aware of this by you taking the time to read and pass it on, it was worth it. Thank you.

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