Sunday, March 28, 2010

A lesson learned at Wal-Mart

Emma and I went to Wal-Mart this afternoon. At the check-out lane:

Emma: May I get a pack of gum please?
Mommy: No.
Emma: But Mommy, it's only 96 cents.
Mommy: I realize it's only 96 cents, and my answer is still, "No."
Emma: Can I buy it with my own money?
Mommy (reaching in purse and getting Emma's money): OK. Your own money is fine.
Emma: Thank you.

Cashier (scanning the gum): That will be $1.03 please.
Emma: No. It's supposed to be 96 cents. It says so on the sticker.
Cashier: The sticker says 96 cents and the computer adds 7 cents in taxes.
Emma: But that's not fair. That means I have to give you another dollar.
Cashier: Nope, it's not fair, but it's life. You give me money to give to the government, and you get nothing for it. Remember the word "taxes." The bigger you get the bigger they'll get.
Emma (looking at me): Mommy?
Mommy: He's right, Sweetie.
Emma: Well, that stinks.

1 comment:

  1. I SOOOOO LOVE it when the light bulb goes on and they begin to realize how much it really "STINKS"!!!!
