Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Hernia repaired
On Monday the 29th I went in and had my hernia repaied. As the doctors promised, it has been easy compared to my last two surgeries. I only spent two days in the hospital. I am uncomfortable. I am swollen. It is difficult to go up the stairs. BUT, I came home and was able to bend over to pick a pair of socks up from the floor. I grabbed the broom and swept a little. I made dinner (boxed mac & cheese). I am able to move earier than I was after the previous two surgeries, and I am actually looking forward to going out and walking.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A lesson learned at Wal-Mart
Emma and I went to Wal-Mart this afternoon. At the check-out lane:
Emma: May I get a pack of gum please?
Mommy: No.
Emma: But Mommy, it's only 96 cents.
Mommy: I realize it's only 96 cents, and my answer is still, "No."
Emma: Can I buy it with my own money?
Mommy (reaching in purse and getting Emma's money): OK. Your own money is fine.
Emma: Thank you.
Cashier (scanning the gum): That will be $1.03 please.
Emma: No. It's supposed to be 96 cents. It says so on the sticker.
Cashier: The sticker says 96 cents and the computer adds 7 cents in taxes.
Emma: But that's not fair. That means I have to give you another dollar.
Cashier: Nope, it's not fair, but it's life. You give me money to give to the government, and you get nothing for it. Remember the word "taxes." The bigger you get the bigger they'll get.
Emma (looking at me): Mommy?
Mommy: He's right, Sweetie.
Emma: Well, that stinks.
Emma: May I get a pack of gum please?
Mommy: No.
Emma: But Mommy, it's only 96 cents.
Mommy: I realize it's only 96 cents, and my answer is still, "No."
Emma: Can I buy it with my own money?
Mommy (reaching in purse and getting Emma's money): OK. Your own money is fine.
Emma: Thank you.
Cashier (scanning the gum): That will be $1.03 please.
Emma: No. It's supposed to be 96 cents. It says so on the sticker.
Cashier: The sticker says 96 cents and the computer adds 7 cents in taxes.
Emma: But that's not fair. That means I have to give you another dollar.
Cashier: Nope, it's not fair, but it's life. You give me money to give to the government, and you get nothing for it. Remember the word "taxes." The bigger you get the bigger they'll get.
Emma (looking at me): Mommy?
Mommy: He's right, Sweetie.
Emma: Well, that stinks.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Cell phone update
We have Verizon Wireless as a cell provider which means that everyone we call that also has Verizon Wireless does not count as billable minutes. Most people we call are "in-network" which works out great. We are on a plan that is for 700 minutes a month for Todd, Christopher, me, and now Cameron. Prior to adding Cameron, we hovered around 300 billable minutes a month. I was afraid that adding Cameron was going to increase that and run the risk of pushing us over. Not so much.
In 5 days Cameron has made 3 calls and sent/received a couple hundered texts. Only $4.99/month for that unlimited option, and it's worth every dime!
In 5 days Cameron has made 3 calls and sent/received a couple hundered texts. Only $4.99/month for that unlimited option, and it's worth every dime!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Weekend of firsts
The little things that happened this weekend would seem trivial to most. Upon first glance, they are trivial events, but each in its own way is life altering:
1) Emma had a school music class Spring Recital. My little girl wore pantyhose. They were really light tights or heavy duty pantyhose. It doesn't matter. She wore flesh colored leg covering. Gone are the days of tights and lacy socks.
2) I purchased roundtrip train and bus tickets for Christopher to get to and from Beloit College. They are having Senior Days April 18 & 19. Only High School Seniors who have been accepted to Beloit are invited to attend the event. This is potentially the first of many roundtrip tickets we buy. He is done with high school in 10 weeks, and he will be going away.
3) We got Cameron a cell phone. He now has the opportunity for more independence than I was willing to grant him yesterday. If I object to him going somewhere or doing something, he can (and he will) tell me to call him or text him to check in.
Our little girl is growing up. Our oldest son is preparing to move on. Our middle kid is responsibly slipping away.
This is life.
1) Emma had a school music class Spring Recital. My little girl wore pantyhose. They were really light tights or heavy duty pantyhose. It doesn't matter. She wore flesh colored leg covering. Gone are the days of tights and lacy socks.
2) I purchased roundtrip train and bus tickets for Christopher to get to and from Beloit College. They are having Senior Days April 18 & 19. Only High School Seniors who have been accepted to Beloit are invited to attend the event. This is potentially the first of many roundtrip tickets we buy. He is done with high school in 10 weeks, and he will be going away.
3) We got Cameron a cell phone. He now has the opportunity for more independence than I was willing to grant him yesterday. If I object to him going somewhere or doing something, he can (and he will) tell me to call him or text him to check in.
Our little girl is growing up. Our oldest son is preparing to move on. Our middle kid is responsibly slipping away.
This is life.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Where's Cameron?
Short version of story...
A few weeks ago, I lost Cameron. I didn't actually lose him, I just didn't know where he was. Turns out that on Saturday night (after a very chaotic day, 1/3 of a vodka tonic, and two Benadryl), I fell asleep on the couch, granted permission for my son to spend the night at a friend's house, and had no recollection on Sunday morning.
This freaked out mommy scared all of his friends to see if they knew where he was (except the one he spent the night with because HE did not answer his cell phone). Freaked out Mommy called the police and they visited our home and then went to the friend's house... which freaked out THAT mommy. She started yelling at Cameron saying that HE TOLD HER he had permission. The sheriff told that mommy not to yell at Cameron which had her yelling, "I most certainly will yell at him. I've known him since he was two!" at the cop.
They called me. I was humiliated. She was upset and laughing at the same time. The cops were grateful that it wasn't a case of a runaway or missing child.
Cameron? Well, good natured Cameron said that his plans were to tell all of his friends that his mother is crazy. He also said that if he had a cell phone (which he's been requesting for about 6 months), this never would have happened because I could have called him directly and he would have answered his phone. (Insert beautiful Cameron smile here)
And yes, we are getting him a cell phone this weekend.
A few weeks ago, I lost Cameron. I didn't actually lose him, I just didn't know where he was. Turns out that on Saturday night (after a very chaotic day, 1/3 of a vodka tonic, and two Benadryl), I fell asleep on the couch, granted permission for my son to spend the night at a friend's house, and had no recollection on Sunday morning.
This freaked out mommy scared all of his friends to see if they knew where he was (except the one he spent the night with because HE did not answer his cell phone). Freaked out Mommy called the police and they visited our home and then went to the friend's house... which freaked out THAT mommy. She started yelling at Cameron saying that HE TOLD HER he had permission. The sheriff told that mommy not to yell at Cameron which had her yelling, "I most certainly will yell at him. I've known him since he was two!" at the cop.
They called me. I was humiliated. She was upset and laughing at the same time. The cops were grateful that it wasn't a case of a runaway or missing child.
Cameron? Well, good natured Cameron said that his plans were to tell all of his friends that his mother is crazy. He also said that if he had a cell phone (which he's been requesting for about 6 months), this never would have happened because I could have called him directly and he would have answered his phone. (Insert beautiful Cameron smile here)
And yes, we are getting him a cell phone this weekend.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
T-I-Double G- ER

A lady at work (a walking buddy) bought a pair of Shape-Ups and brought them into work on Wednesday. She said that they are really comfortable, but they "feel weird" at first. When Todd and I went to Dr. #2's office on Thursday, two of the nurses were wearing them. Todd and I drilled them on their opinions. Both were positive... extremely positive.
This afternoon I went to Kohl's. The shoes were on sale. I had a 15% off coupon. I also had a $10 off coupon. This brought the shoes down $25. I bought them. I met a friend tonight for dinner and I took Cameron and his buddy with me. I wore my new Skechers. I giggled when I walked. Cameron told me to "stop giggling and bouncing" because "it's embarassing." I can't help it. They are THAT COMFORTABLE. I told him that it's like walking on pillows. I feel bouncy. No wait. It's like Tigger from Winnie-the-Pooh. That's what it's like. I feel like Tigger when I'm wearing them.
Summer vacation
I have been trying to plan and organize a family vacation. Todd's parents have a time-share, and they are allowing us to use their points this summer and stay at one of their resorts. These facilities are beautiful and strategically located all over the country (and some international). I was hoping for Yellowstone, but that fell through. They're booked.
Instead of heading West, Penny got us reservations in the Poconos. We were planning a day trip to NYC. We were perhaps planning a second day trip to Philadelphia. We were going to enjoy the Pocono mountains.
Notice how I keep typing 'were'? Surgery is scheduled for March 29. I'll be using a week's vacation time for that. I need to reserve vacation time for moving Pher wherever it is that he goes. I like to save a couple of vacation days for holiday shopping and/or wrapping. We like to take extended weekend trips. We haven't conclusively decided on whether or not to keep the Pocono vacation plans. I am sad about that. However, something new developed last night, and I haven't had a chance to talk to Todd or the kids yet.
It seems that Todd's dad (Don) is leaving for the family cabin in Canada on July 12 (this was to be our first day in the Poconos). As of last night, he was planning on going alone. Everyone that knows and loves him realizes that: 1) This is not a good idea. He has a tendency to be accident prone. 2) He is bull-headed and really doesn't care what those who know and love him think. 3) He's going to go either alone or with someone. It doesn't matter to him. He's going.
My new vacation strategy? Have Todd and the kids accompany Grandpa. This will give family and friends peace of mind that Don has someone with him. This will give Todd some valuable time with his father. Also, Cameron is now at the age Todd was when he took friends to the cabin. I think Cameron and a buddy would have a ball swimming, cliff diving, fishing, boating, hiking, and just exploring the area. You know... being boys. Todd took the kids to the cabin 4 years ago. Emma was only 4 years old. She was not happy about the hike up to the top of the mountain. Four years later, she still talks about that hike.
This scenario plays well in my mind. But you know what? I would really like to be a part of it. Visitors need to take a boat to get to the cabin. There is no electricity, no running water, no phone (land line or cell), and no television. There are no city lights. At night, the silence can be deafening and the Milky Way vibrant. It's a tiny piece of Heaven and where (Todd says) God spends His Sundays taking a look at what He created and patting Himself on the back.
Instead of heading West, Penny got us reservations in the Poconos. We were planning a day trip to NYC. We were perhaps planning a second day trip to Philadelphia. We were going to enjoy the Pocono mountains.
Notice how I keep typing 'were'? Surgery is scheduled for March 29. I'll be using a week's vacation time for that. I need to reserve vacation time for moving Pher wherever it is that he goes. I like to save a couple of vacation days for holiday shopping and/or wrapping. We like to take extended weekend trips. We haven't conclusively decided on whether or not to keep the Pocono vacation plans. I am sad about that. However, something new developed last night, and I haven't had a chance to talk to Todd or the kids yet.
It seems that Todd's dad (Don) is leaving for the family cabin in Canada on July 12 (this was to be our first day in the Poconos). As of last night, he was planning on going alone. Everyone that knows and loves him realizes that: 1) This is not a good idea. He has a tendency to be accident prone. 2) He is bull-headed and really doesn't care what those who know and love him think. 3) He's going to go either alone or with someone. It doesn't matter to him. He's going.
My new vacation strategy? Have Todd and the kids accompany Grandpa. This will give family and friends peace of mind that Don has someone with him. This will give Todd some valuable time with his father. Also, Cameron is now at the age Todd was when he took friends to the cabin. I think Cameron and a buddy would have a ball swimming, cliff diving, fishing, boating, hiking, and just exploring the area. You know... being boys. Todd took the kids to the cabin 4 years ago. Emma was only 4 years old. She was not happy about the hike up to the top of the mountain. Four years later, she still talks about that hike.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
I posted what the first surgeon offered for my hernia repair and recovery. Today was my appointment with a general surgeon who specializes in the abdominal area. He proposed laparoscopic surgery (an incision on each side of my abdomen); one day in hospital; and one-two weeks off work for recovery.
I don't get the outpatient surgery that I hoped for, but we did eliminate a day or two from the hospital stay. We potentially dropped a week or two from recovery at home. Even if I end up with with a two week post-surgical recovery, I still only have one day in the hospital.
However... there is a 2% chance that he gets in there with the laparoscope, and there is too much scar tissue to patch using this method. In that case, I get the two small incisions on the sides of my abdomen and another large one in the center.
I'm a bettin' woman, so I'll take the chance. I should probably buy a lottery ticket on the way to the hospital. If I have to lose on a gamble, I'd rather lose $1 on the lottery than have the extra scar and recuperation time.
I don't get the outpatient surgery that I hoped for, but we did eliminate a day or two from the hospital stay. We potentially dropped a week or two from recovery at home. Even if I end up with with a two week post-surgical recovery, I still only have one day in the hospital.
However... there is a 2% chance that he gets in there with the laparoscope, and there is too much scar tissue to patch using this method. In that case, I get the two small incisions on the sides of my abdomen and another large one in the center.
I'm a bettin' woman, so I'll take the chance. I should probably buy a lottery ticket on the way to the hospital. If I have to lose on a gamble, I'd rather lose $1 on the lottery than have the extra scar and recuperation time.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Not the answer I wanted
I went to my surgeon yesterday. He concurred with our family doctor that I do have an incisional hernia. It is due to the extensive abdominal surgeries I had last year. I have lots of scar tissue and weak muscles. He did not agree with the surgical process our family doctor presented to me.
He will not repair this on an outpatient basis. He will not do laparoscopic surgery. His plan is to open me up, implant mesh to cover the hole in my abdominal wall, close me up, and keep me in the hospital for 2 – 3 days. WHAT? Not only will he keep me hospitalized for 2 – 3 days, but he won’t release me back to work for 2 – 3 weeks. He wants me to rest.
I go for a second opinion (on Thursday the 11th) with a general surgeon who specializes in bellies. If the second surgeon says it has to be an open surgery with a hospital stay, then I will reluctantly stay the night(s) in the hospital.
If the second surgeon says he can do it as an outpatient procedure, then what? Should I go the outpatient route and be released quickly, or should I have the open surgery with the doctor who is all too familiar with the scar tissue that he made in my abdomen?
How about I stop wondering about a predicament that hasn’t developed yet?
He will not repair this on an outpatient basis. He will not do laparoscopic surgery. His plan is to open me up, implant mesh to cover the hole in my abdominal wall, close me up, and keep me in the hospital for 2 – 3 days. WHAT? Not only will he keep me hospitalized for 2 – 3 days, but he won’t release me back to work for 2 – 3 weeks. He wants me to rest.
I go for a second opinion (on Thursday the 11th) with a general surgeon who specializes in bellies. If the second surgeon says it has to be an open surgery with a hospital stay, then I will reluctantly stay the night(s) in the hospital.
If the second surgeon says he can do it as an outpatient procedure, then what? Should I go the outpatient route and be released quickly, or should I have the open surgery with the doctor who is all too familiar with the scar tissue that he made in my abdomen?
How about I stop wondering about a predicament that hasn’t developed yet?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Frustration and then Relief
Yesterday Pher received a big white envelope from Beloit College. He was already at Zeke's for a jam session, so I called him to interrupt. Well, you know, that's what any good mom does is interrupt her kid's jam session time! Also, isn't that why we got him a cell phone?
Me: Pher, you got a huge envelope from Beloit in the mail today.
Pher: OK
Me: Can I open it?
Pher: I guess.
Me (opening the envelope): There's a folder in here... There's a "Congratulations, you've been provided a spot in the class of 2014 at Beloit College" acceptance letter in the folder!!!
Pher: I kinda figured that's what it was.
Me: Aren't you excited???!!!
Pher: I guess
Me: Can't you show me some excitement then!
Pher: Neat-o, yippee (in a monotone voice)
Today I received a Facebook note from Zeke's mom.
"I congratulated Chris on his acceptance to Beloit and he told me he was probably going to go to college now because he really liked Beloit."
Me: Pher, you got a huge envelope from Beloit in the mail today.
Pher: OK
Me: Can I open it?
Pher: I guess.
Me (opening the envelope): There's a folder in here... There's a "Congratulations, you've been provided a spot in the class of 2014 at Beloit College" acceptance letter in the folder!!!
Pher: I kinda figured that's what it was.
Me: Aren't you excited???!!!
Pher: I guess
Me: Can't you show me some excitement then!
Pher: Neat-o, yippee (in a monotone voice)
Today I received a Facebook note from Zeke's mom.
"I congratulated Chris on his acceptance to Beloit and he told me he was probably going to go to college now because he really liked Beloit."
Friday, March 5, 2010
Not ready
It's a Friday night. Cameron is waiting for his friend to pick him up. We've known Marcus for 7 years. His dad is one of Todd's best friends. We trust them both completely.
I'm just not ready for my Cameron-boy to grow up. Nope. I'm not ready for it.
I'm just not ready for my Cameron-boy to grow up. Nope. I'm not ready for it.
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