Thursday when I came home from work, Todd should have been sleeping. He had a busy day. The children had a two-hour fog delay so he took Emma to school; Cameron had an appointment to get his braces off; Emma's class had a nature hike at noon (Todd got home at 1); and Emma's bus drops her off at 3:00. Todd did not have much time to sleep during the day, so I fully expected that he would be sound asleep, nestled under the blankets, sleeping like a baby when I got home from work.
Imagine my surprise when I came home to find him not only wide awake but in the backyard. When I went out to investigate, I found that he was creating a pile of dog poop. "Why" you ask is he "making a pile of dog poop?" I asked the same question of him. He was helping Cameron out with this pile of poop. You see, Cameron had plans to spend the night with a buddy on Friday night. Todd thought it would be a good idea to pile the poop to make it easier for the boys to shovel it into paper bags, to light on fire, on people's doorsteps, so that the people would come out... stomp on the bag... and get poopy feet.
I expressed my feelings about this plan. The pile of poop is still intact on our property. Do boys ever grow up or do they just beome older?
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