He had to be nominated by his troop to become a member. This in itself was an honor. He had to complete the Ordeal weekend. The weekend consisted of some sort of super-secret rituals, handshake learning, and work. I know that Saturday was labor day. I had to call the BSA Council office to see if he could participate in the Ordeal weekend due to his broken hand. They told me to note it on the application and they ensured me that that they would take proper precautions. The leader of the weekend gave me some insight into the labor he would be providing. According to Cameron it was more in depth than what I was led to believe, but he did OK. Supposedly the weekend rituals are so super-secret that he can't disclose what he went through. Whatever. I'll get it out of him eventually. He was smiling when he came home so it could not have been traumatic!
What kind of special perks is he entitled to you ask? Well, he is invited to go on more camping trips with the Order of the Arrow (OA). He is invited to go to Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, NM at a reduced rate. Actually he works for a week and then he gets to play for a week for only $250. The camp itself at Philmont is usually $1,100. He can go to the BSA Sea Base in the Florida Keys and the Bahamas. I don't know the reduced rate for this, but I'm certain I will within the year!
The thing is, Cameron is only 14, a Star Scout, and a member of the Order of the Arrow. He told me today that in January he is able to have his Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review for Life Scout. He's such a good boy... I keep telling myself that even though he lied to me about how he broke his hand!
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