Monday, July 13, 2009

No socialized healthcare here!

When Christopher was younger, he battled tonsilitis and ear infections often. The infections always cleared up completely with antiobiotics but would return after a few weeks (sometimes months) passed. Last Friday morning he called home from Zeke's house. He asked his dad if he could make an appointment to see Dr. Mike... "sometime next week." This concerned Todd as Christopher does not EVER request to see the doctor. After Christopher described his symptoms, Todd decided that an appointment the same day was in order. This could not wait until next week.

Todd took him to see Dr. Mike. Tonsiltis was diagnosed and amoxicillin was prescribed. The three of them discussed problems Christopher has with his tonsils (we did not know about all of the problems because the kid does not complain). It was decided that they probably should be removed. Not only did Christopher get in to see our family doctor the same day, he also got a referral to and an appointment with the same Ear, Nose, & Throat doctor that removed Emma's tonsils. His appointment with the ENT is mid-August. He was surprised that it could all happen so quickly.

Yes, we have problems with our healthcare system, but it still beats socialized medicine hands down. We were able to get two relatively immediate appointments with doctors of our choice. Chances are great that Christopher will have his tonsils out by the end of September. I wonder if the speed of this will change his mind from liberal to at least moderately conservative... please?!

1 comment:

  1. You are your mother's daugher. She turns everything into politics too. Jeez!

    As long as he's not paying for the procedure, my bet is he'll remain a big ol' democrat.
