Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I guess as parents you love them, you nuture them, you teach them, and then you let them go. It still stinks! At least he will be home in a week and a half, and then school starts. I have him for one more year...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Maui and the headless 1-winged duck
More blueberries and baking
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Blueberry Patch
Emma's got her hands in the blueberry bucket again. I'm not sure if there will be any left for baking. She is her daddy's daughter.
Little Miss Manners
I would not believe this story except I witnessed it. She does have manners, and she knows how to use them!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Growing princes, several princesses, and a couple of frogs
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Bummer, Dude

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Todd's turn!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Every black cloud has a silver lining...
Bad news is no work for truck production side of the business. Good news is the aftermarket side of our business is very busy. More customers are ordering parts and repairing their trucks than are ordering new trucks. This in itself is a great thing. Always look for the silver lining, right Mom?
Regardless, while the Aftermarket side has a silver lining, the production side has a black cloud. Shut down for the production side starts on Monday the 20th of July. I love my job. I love going to work every day. I love the people I work with. My silver lining is that I get to spend time with my kids before they go back to school on 8/13 and I have time to prepare the house and meals before I have my surgery on 8/18.
Monday, July 13, 2009
No socialized healthcare here!
Todd took him to see Dr. Mike. Tonsiltis was diagnosed and amoxicillin was prescribed. The three of them discussed problems Christopher has with his tonsils (we did not know about all of the problems because the kid does not complain). It was decided that they probably should be removed. Not only did Christopher get in to see our family doctor the same day, he also got a referral to and an appointment with the same Ear, Nose, & Throat doctor that removed Emma's tonsils. His appointment with the ENT is mid-August. He was surprised that it could all happen so quickly.
Yes, we have problems with our healthcare system, but it still beats socialized medicine hands down. We were able to get two relatively immediate appointments with doctors of our choice. Chances are great that Christopher will have his tonsils out by the end of September. I wonder if the speed of this will change his mind from liberal to at least moderately conservative... please?!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday the 11th
Everyone brings a dish to share:
We walked down the pier and watched the sun set.
We walked to the pier on the main road. We walked back to the van on the beach.
Friday night LIVE

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Cameron is gone... Again

4th of July
Party #2 started around 5. This one was at Dave & Shelane's home in Auburn. They recently bought a great house on 4 or 5 acres. The kids have lots of room to run, ride the 4-wheeler, and shoot fireworks.
Cameron has some sort of firework inside a tube. Note the sparks falling out of the tube. What is it with guys and fire anyway?
Emma and Willow ran around like crazy little girls. I guess that's their job!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Oh yeah, the neighbors behind us were having a birthday party. They had probably 30 people in their backyard. Our fire sparked them to have a fire. They were having a great time, we were having a great time. As they sang Happy Birthday, we chimed in from an acre and a half away. Todd and Billy got more wood and the fire grew. Everything was still good. Then Todd got out the four pallets he's been storing just waiting for the inaugural fire. All four pallets were placed to form a square teepee. I thought the cops were going to be called. Not called because of the fire but because of all the hooting and hollering the neighbors were doing once the pallets started burning. Todd with the hose (sorry it's so blurry). It was hard to take that picture when I was laughing so hard...
This is what we were left with a couple of days later. The grass is starting to grow back. I think we need to put down some flagstone and rocks around the perimeter of the fire ring. Sigh... how can something as simple as a backyard fire ring turn into a project? That domino effect gets me every time!