It is June 18, 2011. My last post was November 3. I ran out of steam with the blog. I felt like I ran out of material. I was burned out on blogging. It's constantly been in the back of my mind, I just haven't felt the desire to type it out. About a month ago I realized that I'm letting some really good stuff go unblogged.
Emma designed a dress and Grandma Misterka made it. She is growing like crazy both physically and emotionally. Miss Emma Carole Meyers is turning out to be a lovely young lady who has a heart full of love and compassion. I've never heard a more accurate summary of person than the one that my sister made of Emma about 7 years ago... "There's a whole lotta Emma in that little body!" Charisma and love for life flows out of every pore she has.
Cameron Adam now prefers to be called CAM. Really the initials of his name matching the first three letter of his name were purely coincidence. I think he was two when I remember Cathy making that observation. I had never thought about shortening his name to CAM and I will not call him CAM, but it is a natural nickname, and one he likes. He played his first paying gig (a wedding ceremony). He tried out for a made Carroll High School's Show Choir. He is researching an Eagle Scout project.
Christopher decided that he wanted to ride his bike from NE Fort Wayne to Bloomington. He made it to Muncie (about 90 miles) before the blisters on his ass prohibited him from biking any further. Momma (me) bought him a bus ticket from Muncie to Bloomington. Now he's back and beginning a new endeavor playing music.
Todd, well Todd is Todd. He works like a crazy man and plays hard with the kids.
Me? Hmmm, I have new responsibilities at work that have been challenging, rewarding, and frustrating at times. I thought about going to grad school. I thought seriously about it. I decided not to do it yet. Instead I am going to volunteer in a new outreach at church. I will have to blog about that in the future after I have more information.
Funny stuff... Todd just called on his way home from work. He said that he noticed on Facebook that I commented about resurrecting the blog. He didn't know that the blog went dormant.