Monday, September 27, 2010


March 2008... A local news channel advertised that they were partnering with Parkview Hospital to sponsor the 1st Fort4Fitness Festival. It would include a 2-day health festival, a 4-mile walk/run, and a 13.1 mile mini-marathon. I mentioned to Todd that I was thinking about participating. His reply was, "Pfft, yeah right. You don't exercise, Barbara!" I left it at that. I did not participate. I regretted it when the weekend came and went. 3,000 people participated in the 4 mile and the 13.1 mile races. Next year... next year I'm going to do it.

February 2009, I got very ill and had my surgery. I had the colostomy. I was in no frame of mind to start training for the races when they made the announcement in March 2009 that there would indeed be a 2nd annual Fort4Fitness Festival in September. Colostomy reversal in August kept me out for sure, but 5,000 participants signed up for the races.

February 2010... I'm doing it this year. I don't care what anyone says. I'll keep it to myself. It will be my own secret, but I'M GOING TO DO IT!

March 2010 I signed up for the 13.1 mini-marathon. I bought a pair of REAL running/walking shoes from Three Rivers Running Company. They were expensive but very much worth the investment. I was not strict about my walking, but I was financially committed, so I was certain that it was going to happen.

April, May, June, July... I walked here and there. I'd walk for 4 miles and wish I could get my time below the 18 minutes per mile that was required to finish the race the the 4 hours allowed.

August & September... Holy cow, I'm financially committed but I'm not sure that I'm morally obligated to do this. What happens if I have a heart attack right there on the course? Silly lady, you can do it. You won't have a heart attack. Just finish the race. You have 4 hours to finish the race. You can do it! 7,500 people are signed up for this event. Surely you won't be the only one struggling.

September 25, 2010... 8:00 am... The race started.
Around mile 7, Todd and Emma showed up on the tandem bike. I didn't feel like talking and told them to go away. Around mile marker 9, I saw a woman who was doing her best to persuade 2 medics to allow her to continue. She kept saying, "I can go on. I will be OK. Really. I can do this!" Right after I passed them I heard one of the medics say, "You don't understand. We are not going to allow you to continue." I don't know what happened to her, but it must have been bad.

At mile marker 10 I wondered why in the hell I signed up for this. My hips were no longer cooperating. Every step took thought to complete. At mile 10.5 Todd and Emma showed up again. Emma threw her arms up in the air and said, "You can do it Mommy!" Todd said, "Go, Babe, Go!" Once again, I told them to ride on, but they were right where I needed them when I needed them.

It took me 3 hours, 44 minutes, 43 seconds to walk 13.1 miles, but I did it. I finished with time to spare. I had a 4 hour goal, and I came in under that! I finished close to the end of the pack, but I crossed the finish line as if I were the first one to cross it. It doesn't matter to me that I took well over 2 hours longer than the first place winner. I finished a mini-marathon, and I have the medal to prove it!

Finish line in Parkview Field
See!!!! I have a medal!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rough spots

It was a rough August. September has been rougher. Things seemed to have smoothed out. I'll get back to blogging again. I do have some great pictures to share!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Another season has started. We are a house divided. I bleed Indianapolis Colts Blue and Todd bleeds Pittsburgh Steeler’s Black and Gold. Cameron leans towards Black & Gold. Emma is strong Black & Gold. Sigh.

Football season also means Sunday afternoons with our dear friends at their house. He is from Pittsburgh. She’s always loved the Steeler’s. They have NFL Ticket on Dish Network in order to get all of the games. Steeler’s parties every Sunday. I love their company, so I go also. I have been known to forfeit my Colts games just to enjoy their company.

Yeah, our friends are that much fun!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Todd's favorite band of all time is RUSH. They are a 3-man band from Canada. Their drummer is amazing. Last February or March we received an e-mail that they would be touring this summer. Todd looked at the dates and picked the August 29 show in Columbus, OH. He called Billy and Val, they agreed, tickets were purchased... Then we had to wait, and wait, and wait.

The show was at Nationwide Arena. We went there three years ago to see Genesis so we were familiar with the location. A very nice Doubletree is within walking distance to the arena, and the block in front of the arena is full of great restaurants. It was supposed to be a Saturday and Sunday event for the four of us. See previous post. Cameron threw a wrench in that, but I wouldn't change a thing. The rafting reunion was that great. So... Sunday morning after church Todd and I jumped in the car and headed to Columbus to meet Billy and Val at the Doubletree.

We checked in, changed, grabbed the Fairbanks', walked to O'Shaunessey's Irish Pub to eat & drink, saw an amazing show, and went back to O'Shaunessey's for more drinks and post concert snackage.
What a great show. What a great time. What great friends.

And... If ANYONE EVER sees this license plate frame, please pick it up. It would make a great gift for Todd...