Just a quick note on Cameron's rafting trip. I don't want to forget his feelings when he returned.
First let me fill you in on the trip. His 8th grade Spanish teacher is very involved in his church. Every summer the church takes youth on a spiritual retreat, and they go to West Virginia. The teacher invites 8th grade students to attend the retreat. It is completely separate from school. It is voluntary. The kids are told upfront that it is a Spiritual retreat. So, youth from the church, current 8th grade students, and high school students that have gone in previous years all traveled to WV for spiritual enlightenment and reflection. There were 148 attendees this year.
Just prior to his trip I received an itinerary of their week. They had only one day on the river. I was disappointed to see that, and I was hoping he would not be. I also noticed that every morning and every evening they had bible study time, devotions, and team building activities. I was a little worried that it would be too much church stuff on a camping/rafting trip. Remember, he's used to camping with the Scouts and our family.
No, he was not disappointed about the lack of rafting time. They did so many other fun activities. All in all, the trip was, "Great!" He's ready to go again next year. As far as the bible and devotion time goes, he enjoyed that also. He never ceases to surprise me. He said, "It was different." It was different than any other study/reflection time he's experienced.
It was different in "such an amazing way!" Yeah, I got goosebumps too.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Full House
I haven't gone into it much, but it's been a quiet week around the house. Christopher has been hanging at Zeke's. Cameron left on the 25th to go on a spiritual white water rafting retreat. I was going to have a nice week with Emma... Well, that is until her friend called on Sunday afternoon and asked her if she wanted to go camping Monday through Friday.
All of a sudden I was ditched. I was looking forward to having the time alone with Emma, and then I was looking forward to having some time alone. It will be quiet. No arguing. No bossing. No attitude.
On Thursday we received some devastating news. A young man that we met when he was in Cub Scouts passed away. He was 21. We're not sure, but we think it was complications of diabetes. Although he was never diagnosed as diabetic, his sugar level was 1,158 just prior to his death. Anyway, it was a sad Thursday and a sad Friday. I wanted my family home and together.
Friday evening, they were all here. The noise and commotion levels went from nothing to chaos in a matter of minutes. For once, I loved it. I didn't try to stop it. I soaked it all in, because in the blink of an eye it can be taken from you. I am so thankful to have my kids home. I can't imagine the pain the the Campbell family is experiencing. Sunday is the viewing. Monday is the funeral. It's going to be rough. Keep us all in your prayers.
All of a sudden I was ditched. I was looking forward to having the time alone with Emma, and then I was looking forward to having some time alone. It will be quiet. No arguing. No bossing. No attitude.
On Thursday we received some devastating news. A young man that we met when he was in Cub Scouts passed away. He was 21. We're not sure, but we think it was complications of diabetes. Although he was never diagnosed as diabetic, his sugar level was 1,158 just prior to his death. Anyway, it was a sad Thursday and a sad Friday. I wanted my family home and together.
Friday evening, they were all here. The noise and commotion levels went from nothing to chaos in a matter of minutes. For once, I loved it. I didn't try to stop it. I soaked it all in, because in the blink of an eye it can be taken from you. I am so thankful to have my kids home. I can't imagine the pain the the Campbell family is experiencing. Sunday is the viewing. Monday is the funeral. It's going to be rough. Keep us all in your prayers.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
For those of you who don't follow Cathy's blog...
... You must see this entry she made. I'm copying it and pasting it because I can't figure out how to simply insert the link.
Kids: Big and Little
If you aren't up-to-date on the happenings of my extended family, long story short: my 19-year-old nephew Christopher had decided he was going to go live in the woods with his buddy Zeke for 3 months. When the boys first told us their big plan we were worried, then we moved on to thinking they were nuts, then we decided, "that's a great idea!" They need to go off and have a little adventure. Something to tell the grandkids. They left right around Faith's birthday and have already made it back to the comforts of Zeke's parents house. . . "but. . . but. . . but. . . we're going back out! Really, really, in just a couple weeks" . . . um hmmm. I'll circle back to Christopher in a moment.
I've had a whole watermelon sitting on my counter for a solid two weeks. It looked good when I cut it but I wasn't sure if it really was or not so I asked Faith to come sample a bite (I know, I know - good mother, eh?) She said it was great and asked me to cut it up. I took a bite myself and while it tasted fine, the texture was a smidge off.
I decided to take that watermelon out to the forest in the back yard and toss it for the deer to eat. After Faith and I came back to the house she said to me:
Faith: The deer are going to love that watermelon!
Mommy: I know! They are going to find a nice surprise later.
Faith: And the goats.
Mommy: Goats? I've never seen a goat in the back yard. Have you seen a goat?
Faith: No. Christopher said he saw a goat in our woods.
Mommy: I'll have to ask him about that.
Faith: Christopher lives in the woods now.
Mommy: No he doesn't. He's home now.
Faith: (busts out laughing) He came home? He said there was food in the woods! I heard him say it. FOOD! IN THE WOODS! He got hungry and came home.
She'll call you out. She will.
Kids: Big and Little
If you aren't up-to-date on the happenings of my extended family, long story short: my 19-year-old nephew Christopher had decided he was going to go live in the woods with his buddy Zeke for 3 months. When the boys first told us their big plan we were worried, then we moved on to thinking they were nuts, then we decided, "that's a great idea!" They need to go off and have a little adventure. Something to tell the grandkids. They left right around Faith's birthday and have already made it back to the comforts of Zeke's parents house. . . "but. . . but. . . but. . . we're going back out! Really, really, in just a couple weeks" . . . um hmmm. I'll circle back to Christopher in a moment.
I've had a whole watermelon sitting on my counter for a solid two weeks. It looked good when I cut it but I wasn't sure if it really was or not so I asked Faith to come sample a bite (I know, I know - good mother, eh?) She said it was great and asked me to cut it up. I took a bite myself and while it tasted fine, the texture was a smidge off.
I decided to take that watermelon out to the forest in the back yard and toss it for the deer to eat. After Faith and I came back to the house she said to me:
Faith: The deer are going to love that watermelon!
Mommy: I know! They are going to find a nice surprise later.
Faith: And the goats.
Mommy: Goats? I've never seen a goat in the back yard. Have you seen a goat?
Faith: No. Christopher said he saw a goat in our woods.
Mommy: I'll have to ask him about that.
Faith: Christopher lives in the woods now.
Mommy: No he doesn't. He's home now.
Faith: (busts out laughing) He came home? He said there was food in the woods! I heard him say it. FOOD! IN THE WOODS! He got hungry and came home.
She'll call you out. She will.
Monday, July 26, 2010
He's back???
So, I'm at my desk at lunch time and my cell phone rings. It's Cathy. She asks why Pher came back already. I had NO IDEA they were back. Last I knew, Pher, Zeke, and Tessa were going to be hanging out in the woods of Michigan's UP in and around Pictured Rocks National Forest. Zeke's family had returned home on Friday the 23rd. These kids had tents and as much food as they would accept from Zeke's family. They were not supposed to be returning until this coming weekend. (The original plan was to stay put up north until the end of September.)
Whatever. Matt was right. He was back before I was ready for him to be back. He really needs to go and live in the woods and live off the land for at least a couple of months. Maybe once he gets that primitive existence and experience under his belt, he will realize that a relaxed mainstream society really isn't so bad after all (I do agree with his philosophy that most people are too uptight and move too fast, myself included). A hot meal can be comforting; A hot shower can be relaxing; Environmental allergies stink (the boy is allergic to everything environmental and peanut butter); and maybe, just maybe, he will be gone for long enough to develop an appreciation for family.
Whatever. Matt was right. He was back before I was ready for him to be back. He really needs to go and live in the woods and live off the land for at least a couple of months. Maybe once he gets that primitive existence and experience under his belt, he will realize that a relaxed mainstream society really isn't so bad after all (I do agree with his philosophy that most people are too uptight and move too fast, myself included). A hot meal can be comforting; A hot shower can be relaxing; Environmental allergies stink (the boy is allergic to everything environmental and peanut butter); and maybe, just maybe, he will be gone for long enough to develop an appreciation for family.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Rafting & Roaming & Camping
So... Pher is wandering the woods on the shore of Lake Superior in Michigan's UP. Cameron is rafting, hiking, and spiritually reflecting in West Virginia. Emma ditched me to go camping with her friend this week. It's been quiet.
Friday, July 23, 2010
I remember when my dad's little blue Gremlin hit the 100,000 mile mark circa 1977. It was an exciting day.
This was exciting and sad day for me. This van that I was surprised to get (it was a conspiracy between Todd and my parents). This van that I didn't want in the beginning. This van has grown on me. I love this van more than I loved my last van, and I never would have thought that would be possible.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The best day EVER...

On Tuesday morning the above note was taped to the bathroom mirror. Todd must have taped it there on Monday night when he got home from work. He obviously picked it up on Monday morning when he dropped her off at camp. "Sweetheart, really?" I wonder what would have happened if I did not know about this before Tusday morning. Regardless... I did know about it and Emma was set to go for a great day.
When I picked her up from camp on Tuesday afternoon, she exclaimed that this was the best day of her life.
Water shoes on clearance... $5
Camp fee.. $125
Happy memories for a lifetime... PRICELESS!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Weekend of tears and smiles
Friday June 16th Pher left for Zeke's house. Early morning on Saturday the 17th they were heading to the northern side of Michigan's upper peninsula. They will be with Zeke's family for the week of the 17th through the 25th. After the 25th, I don't know what is happening. Zeke's uncle wanted to send the boys to the woods to begin their self-sustaining experience. This plan would enable them to return to the cabin in time to catch a ride home if they choose. If they do not come home with Zeke's family, they will be gone until the end of September. I do not have a way of contacting my son, and it is scary.
On a very happy note, Faith turned 4 on the 17th. We made a super-fast birthday run to Avon, IN (just west of Indy) for a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party. This is just what I needed. I needed to be with my family. I needed to hear my sister laugh and tell me that everything with Christopher will be OK. I needed to hear my brother tell me that the "Black flies are bad this time of year. He may be home sooner than you want him."
On a very happy note, Faith turned 4 on the 17th. We made a super-fast birthday run to Avon, IN (just west of Indy) for a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party. This is just what I needed. I needed to be with my family. I needed to hear my sister laugh and tell me that everything with Christopher will be OK. I needed to hear my brother tell me that the "Black flies are bad this time of year. He may be home sooner than you want him."
Monday, July 12, 2010
Graduation party
Christopher and Zeke expressed an interest in having a graduation party to Zeke's mom. She agreed to allowing them have a party in the barn... If and only if they cleaned the barn.
They were given a little over two weeks to accomplish this task. They did it. The party was on Saturday the 10th. It was a joint party since they have mostly mutual friends. We invited some friends and family. Zeke's parents invited some friends and family.
The boys belong to a band. They plugged in and started playing. It appeared as though a good time was had by all.
Zeke's dad on guitar and Todd on drums. The old guys had fun playing music together.
Christopher on guitar and Zeke on drums.
Pher and Zeke's dad.
They were given a little over two weeks to accomplish this task. They did it. The party was on Saturday the 10th. It was a joint party since they have mostly mutual friends. We invited some friends and family. Zeke's parents invited some friends and family.
The boys belong to a band. They plugged in and started playing. It appeared as though a good time was had by all.
Zeke's dad on guitar and Todd on drums. The old guys had fun playing music together.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Kids say the darndest things...
Emma is going to camp at the YMCA this week. She came home yesterday and told me this...
"Mom, I saw grandma age ladies changing their swimsuits today. Their boobs were saggy. Sorry, but it's gonna happen to you. Soon, it's gonna happen. Sorry to tell you this, but you're 44 now you know."
Why, why, why does she have to state things so matter-of-factly?
"Mom, I saw grandma age ladies changing their swimsuits today. Their boobs were saggy. Sorry, but it's gonna happen to you. Soon, it's gonna happen. Sorry to tell you this, but you're 44 now you know."
Why, why, why does she have to state things so matter-of-factly?
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Pittsburgh on the Fourth
When Todd got home from work on the morning of July 3, we hit the road for Pittsburgh. More specifically, we made a visit to Brentwood, a borough of Pittsburgh. Todd's Aunt Johnni and Uncle Eugene live there. It is a quaint neighborhood town. Their daughter Nicole summed it up best. "I love it here. I can walk anywhere I want."
No matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, I always keep my eyes open for one of our mixers!
Almost every house (and I do mean almost EVERY house) has a porch... This is where I fell in love with them. Aunt Johnnie's beautiful house...
The Oldest house in Brentwood...

So, we walked past all of these beautiful homes, and many, many tents set up in front yards. We stopped at a tent where Todd's cousins were hanging out with their friends from high school who were home on college summer break. More on this later...
Aunt Johnni is crazy and interrupted the parade several times in order to say 'hello' to people.

We ended up at her friend's house. We ate and had a soda or two while the parade went by. Then we headed back down the street the way we came. We stopped back at the tent with the cousins. It was here that Emma learned the art of bartending. She watched intently as the college guys pumped the keg and drew their buddies beer. She politely asked for a turn. After 10 minutes of pumping and flirting, our daughter had $26 in tips.

No matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, I always keep my eyes open for one of our mixers!
Aunt Johnni is crazy and interrupted the parade several times in order to say 'hello' to people.
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